profsparky Mar 07, 2009 12:31
lol okay, yarly, awkward, orly?, irl, no wai!, i have a dream..., lawls
profsparky Feb 14, 2009 12:29
general you, tag catharsis, no one will comment on this post, angry tag is angry, fffffff, ironic use of tag, oh ok, brb crying, everything is jared's fault, manners are for old people, pfft, no dick it's wigglytuff, holiday, sparky is a hermit, the right amount of loki?, i'm the aquaman of my friends, needs moar loki, specific you, the point still stands though, the cake is not a lie, actually needs less loki thx, tag madness, needs moar loki tags, thank you for bein' a friend, i hate everyone today, bawww, fuck no, yarly, i am scorpio and i will end you, it's a trap, madness? this is sparta!, so mad i could eat a baby, sparky is a weirdo, fail, no one says no to gaston!, fuck salt, calling people out, rawr, what, spartaaa, it's all jared's fault, hilarity ensues, orly?, lol tags, does anyone read serious posts?, oh axel you tease, no wai!, frowny face, surprise but not buttsex, lawls